Creation from subtle to gross is heard with your subtle inner ear while you embrace silence.
It is seen in the deer looking with infinitely loving eyes, captivated by a sound coming to him through the ether. Being still while the inner wisdom sound manifests in his heart. Where did it come from, what was its origin? The delicate deer allows himself to merge with ether, in a state of absolute quietness. The deer anticipates the vibration of sound that is to come and resonate through him. Pausing in the glorious field of spaciousness.
The image of the deer reflects the unique quality of loving eyes while the lover and beloved merge and go beyond the physical Loka (world). He is listening with the inner ear to what is longing to be revealed, to what nature has the desire to come into creation or dissolve into nothingness.

Any poet, painter, or musician imbibes this quality of trusting the inner sound. Any human being aligned with shabda (sound) experiences closeness with the Divine. Their naturally arising well of creativity is gushing beauty when they become timeless, merging with sound. They have a naturally arising gift to listen to the Divine and manifest infinite beauty through their voice, their hands, their hearts.
For healing purposes, it is crucial to acknowledge these gifts in the human being.
The Ayurvedic healer imbibes the inner knowingness to acknowledge and encourage the unique and naturally arising expression in the human being. Those humans with a desire to create, are honored and guided to find their path of expressing this gift.
Their innate qualities of sensitivity, delicacy, and love for aloneness or all-one-ness, is the path guiding them within, to the Source of creation. It is these beautiful qualities of akasha (ether) and vayu (air) that attune them with nature. When they create, their deeply balanced prakruti (nature) is being revealed and expressed. The deeper purpose of their life is being honored. The choice they made at the time of conception when the soul entered the womb, is being fulfilled.
It is a gift of the Ayurvedic healer to be able to attune himself and ask the questions: What is longing to be fulfilled in this lifetime for this soul? What is the highest dharma that leads this human being to evolve and living their full potential?
Human beings with vata prakruti are supported when their unique gifts are given space.
How can they connect to this Source when there is no time and space to support that? Their delicate dynamic balance is beautiful. At times they choose to be alone, into the woods, to sit close to the Divine. In silence. It nurtures their being. It allows them to expand and let prana to guide them home. It is the cross point where Ayurveda meets and melts with Tantra.
Once these human beings understand and embrace their own nature, they shift. They move away from the perpetuating thought that something is wrong with them because they don’t fit in, and can’t be or live like what is considered normal.
They start honoring life choices that support their unique nature, and they finally feel there is no longer a need to push or adjust themselves to others.

They start being themselves. Sensitive, delicate and uninhibited. It nurtures their body, mind, and soul in unexpected ways. They start writing poems, paint, chant as the well is gushing creativity through their body vessel. It is their meditation. It is a naturally arising Samyama, the threefold process described in the Yoga Sutra’s of Sri Patanjali in Chapter three, the path revealing supernatural abilities and gifts. You can also do this kind of Yoga using Yoni Eggs.
Samyama happens when we follow prana, are captivated by prana and then come home within the Source of the Self.
“Samyama occurs when these three processes flow together harmoniously, integrating the full spectrum of the mind’s potential. ” YS III, 4 , Yoga Sutra’s of Pantanjali as rendered by Mukunda Stiles
For the Tantrika, the sound is the doorway to the Inner Beloved. It is a path of listening with the inner ear and touching the formless. And giving herself fully, without hesitation, to the unknown, unmanifested touch.
All she longs to do is to listen to the sound of the heart of her Beloved and give her heart to that One. To fulfill the natural longing over and over again, to be in the bliss of the poetry of infinite love, unconditionally being held and holding.
Where two become One.
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